Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mea Culpa!

This is my public apology where I'm humbly begging Garfunkel, my sister's MINI, to forgive me for saying he had a white top. He has a BLACK top. Black. Beautiful, sleek, shiny black. White tops are for losers. So please accept my apology, Garfunkel. Aunty Bibliominiac is gonna buy you a big, bubbly bottle of vintage motor oil for your birthday. Won't that be lovely?

Not much to report today. I spent some time today on the website for the Everyman's Library editions of books. Me likey! I'm thinking I'm going to collect all of the Charles Dickens novels from this collection. Can you believe I haven't read much Dickens? I read "Great Expectations" in high school, but that's it. I know some of his other novels through movie adaptations, but the book is always better. So I plan on slowly accumulating these books and reading every word. Should be fun.

Speaking of "slowly accumulating," I was thinking today that if I didn't buy my big ass flat-screen tv, I could buy tons and tons of books. Or at least ten pounds of books. I started asking myself whether I really NEEDED a big ass tv. After much soul-searching, I decided that those few tv shows I do watch would be even better if the tv were big enough so that I could actually see the actors' facial expressions from my couch six feet away. What a concept. A friend of mine let me borrow her "Sex and the City" DVDs, and it wasn't until one disc got persnickity to the point where I had to watch it on my computer rather than through my tv that I realized Sarah Jessica Parker had blue eyes. Who knew? It was quite eye-opening. Heh. Eye pun. Sorry.

Guess that's all for now. I was going to get on the treadmill and do some exercise, but I think my cats need some attention. Yeah. Blame it on the cats. When I get a big ol' poochy belly and the cats can't find a place to lie down, they'll only have themselves to blame.

1 comment:

Mini Purl said...

Garfunkel grants you his forgiveness, but is looking forward to that fabulous birthday present. He wants to remind you his b-day is in January! I put a link to your blog on mine yesterday. I'm dooo, hmmm, try again...I'm soooo proud of you. Maybe doooo was some sort of subliminal attempt at a poop joke. Yep, probably so. I blame it on my migraine (that's my new excuse for everything) Hubby's not buying it, he says I'm just naturally dingy. Nah, it's migraines ;) Definitely!