Thursday, April 18, 2013


Long time, no post.  I no longer have the internet at home, so please forgive my long absence.  Perhaps in the near future I shall become even more indebted to the evil Comcast and subscribe to home internet.  I tried to ditch Comcast a few months ago and switch to DirecTV, but alas, my neighbor's tree blocks the reception.  Ironic since most of her trees fell on my roof a few years ago.  The one remaining stalwart tree  in her backyard is in the precise location necessary for a satellite dish.  One just has to laugh.

A lot has changed, and nothing has changed.  I'm still working, driving my MINI, reading books, and loving on my kitties.  I'm 40 now.  It seems the same as my 30s other than the fact that some days I think that one of my limbs might just fall off due to sheer creakiness.  I was walking down the hallway at work the other day and realized I could give Anna Kendrick a run for her money by doing her "Cups" song by just walking and making my knees and ankles click. No cups necessary for my accoustic accompaniment!  If you haven't watched her short version of the song in the movie "Pitch Perfect," there is a new video online that's all glossy and professionally done.  She's making biscuits.  If that doesn't make you look it up, I don't know what will.

Ooh. Maybe I just learned how to insert a link into my blog.  Cool. 

That's all I have for now.  Maybe I'll get time for another post in the near future, and not wait three years or whatever it was between this and my last post.

Be well.