Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Host -- Stephenie Meyer

So I just got to do one of my favorite things on a long weekend. I woke up early this morning. Made my coffee and cereal and plopped down on the couch with a brand new, thick book. And I did not leave said couch, except to eat and use the facilities, for a solid 9.5 hours. I got totally sucked in to the book, "The Host." It was awesome!

Premise = Earth has been invaded by . . . parasites that insert themselves in human beings and take over their bodies and their thoughts. There are some humans who have escaped the mass assimilation and are fighting the "worms" to keep humanity alive. One woman who has been fighting and struggling for many years is finally captured and a parasite named "Wanderer" is put into this woman's body. Except, the woman's consciousness continues to struggle against her new "host." This never happens.

It was completely riveting. Even if you don't like sci-fi, you would probably enjoy this. It's a hefty book at around 620 pages. But you get totally sucked in. And I didn't think of it as a sci-fi book. More a study about what it means to be human. Very well written. And near the end I just bawled like a baby. Not giving anything away here. I don't know how authors can make you care about a character on paper, but Meyer did. I highly recommend.

Now that I've been freed from the book's pull, I have many weekend chores I have totally neglected, so I must get started on those so I can enjoy yet another day off tomorrow on this long three-day weekend!

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